Welcome to the Merysol Advisors' Site

Version 1.5.0

Merysol is busy developing technology that allows for the ingesting of specialized data and knowledge

to "fine-tune" existing and future large language models. The goal is to make them become specialized expert assistants

or advisors to people leveraging their outstanding awareness to make optimal decision on specific issues.

The large language models (LLMs) like OpenAl's ChatGPT and GPT-4, Google's Lambda, Bard, and Palm among others,

have been trained in billions of parameters and data from mostly publicly available sources ( mostly, the Internet).

However, even with this huge amount of knowledge available, there is room for more specialized information on

specific industries either by geography where different rules, laws, or standards are used, or by companies

with private data about their industry.

Our goal is identify key decision points to some use case protagonists and deliver the functionality they can depend on to make the optimal decision.

Intelligent Advisers - Initial Approach

The first area we are addressing is Cybersecurity.

Within this space there are plenty of areas where Intelligent Advisors are needed.

Thus, we will deliver functionality useful to people working with CWEs and CVEs.

To use this App, click on the navigation menus on top.

  1. Merysol Advisor - Brings you back to this page
  2. Products: today the CWE Advisor. It discusses CVEs and CWEs with Researchers and Cybersecurity Engineers
  3. Services - Link to our sister company Merysol Security
  4. Customer Support. It helps you communicate with the Support team via email
  5. Account Management. Account set up, product licensing and other managment activities
  6. Site Administration - - Internal CRUD Operations

Application Briefs

Find below a link to a Product Brief describing how the Merysol Advisor for CWE works. You are welcome to download it. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments.

Download PDF

To experiment with the Advisors, you'll need some credentials. The easiest way to get them is to open an Account using the Account Management menu and request a free subscription. No credit card is needed.

When you are ready, you can use the same menu to license the product(s) as required.